Seeking Hidden
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Seeking Dreams and Nature
- From 19th Century Fantasy and Surrealism to Contemporary Japanese Art
Gunma Museum of Art,Tatebayashi Japan
April 22th – June 25th, 2023
Curated by Matsushita Kazumi
1 概要
2 展覧会名 「夢と自然の探求者たち―19世紀幻想版画、シュルレアリスム、現代日本
3 会期 2023年4月22日(土)~6月25日(日)
4 会場 群馬県立館林美術館 展示室1~4
5 主催 群馬県立館林美術館
6 主な出品作家
J.-J.グランヴィルJ.-J. Granville、シャルル・メリヨンCharles Méryon、オディロン・ルドンOdilon Redon、ジャン・デュビュッフェJean Dubuffet、フリードリヒ・シュレーダー=ゾンネンシュターンFriedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern、マックス・エルンストMax Ernst,、ハンス・ベルメールHans bellmer、カール・ブロスフェルトKarl Blossfeldt、ジョアン・ミロJoan Miró、ロベルト・マッタRoberto Mattaほか
7 お問い合わせ先
〒374-0076 群馬県館林市日向町2003
TEL.0276-72-8188(代表)/8190(学芸員室直通) FAX.0276-72-8338
[担当] 学芸員 松下和美
"Seekers of Dreams and Nature:
From 19th Century Fantasy Prints to Surrealism and Contemporary Japanese Artists"
Dreams and fantasies, as well as the great forces of nature and wilderness, have guided artistic expression since ancient times. This exhibition introduces modern and contemporary art that interacts with the human unconscious and intuition, which lie beyond reason. It features works from our museum, the Gunma Museum of Modern Art, the Ashikaga City Museum of Art's Ashikawa Collection, and private collections.
In late 19th-century Western Europe, amidst the shadows of modernization, there were quietly painted pictures, poems, and stories that contemplated nature and human life and death. Entering the 20th century, after the devastation of World War I, rationalism was questioned, and Surrealism, which explores pure human mental activity and internal images, flourished. The first half of this exhibition introduces the fantastical prints and color-rich paintings led by the subconscious, from artists like Grandville, Redon, Böcklin, Zonnenstern, Matta, and Appel.
In Japan, Ichiro Fukuzawa from Gunma quickly practiced Surrealist painting during his stay in France. Following that, artists who, whether consciously or not, overlapped the inner human world with nature and made it the energy of their creations are innumerable. The latter half of the exhibition introduces various modern and contemporary artists, including Soko Takakusakawara, who incorporated the power of nature into his diverse creations. Additionally, the exhibition highlights regional artists like Stan Anderson, who worked in the Rokugo Mountains in the northwestern part of Gunma, and Tomoe Kameyama, a Tatebayashi-based artist who creates human figures using bricolage with scrap materials.
Contact Information
Gunma Prefectural Tatebayashi Art Museum 2003 Hiyoshi-cho, Tatebayashi, Gunma 374-0076, Japan
Tel: 0276-72-8188 (Main) / 8190 (Curator's Office Direct Line) Fax: 0276-72-8338
[Contact] Curator: Kazumi Matsushita