Seeking Hidden
© 1999 - 2024 Studio SHINGO YOSHIDA. All rights reserved.
Location: Berlin, GERMANY
Year: 2012
Duration: 11 min
Format: HD
With support of: The LEAP
(Lab for Electronic Arts and Performances) in Berlin
- Episode -
The electric play of lamps and sounds sketches out an urban vision, a calm noctural dream. The twinkling of a city street lamp, a strange threebeat cycle, is an established reality, the unreliability of equipment, a bug, an error. Shingo Yoshida uses this to capture the route he follows each day to Alexanderplatz in Berlin to reach his studio. The décor or model – with a passing shadow or rare sign of humanity – lends a scale to the ensemble. This is an urban wandering at night, on which each building stamps its own proportions.
Le jeu électrique des lampes et des sons esquisse une vision citadine, un rêve nocturne et calme. Le clignotement d’un lampadaire urbain, étrange cycle sur trois temps est une réalité constatée, l’instabilité d’un équipement, un bug, une erreur. Shingo Yoshida en profite pour saisir le trajet quotidien qu’il effectue vers Alexanderplatz à Berlin pour rejoindre son studio. Décor ou maquette, le passage d’une ombre, rare trace d’humanité, redonne une échelle à l’ensemble. Extérieur, nuit, une errance urbaine où chaque construction installe ses propres proportions.
In his film Error Shingo Yoshida focuses on a glitch in a streetlamp at Alexanderplatz, the rhythmic flickering appears almost to be staged; This malfunction, those moments when the lights turn off, mark its presence. It paradoxically shows itself only as it suddenly disappears.
Yoshida relates this curious public incident, that occurs night after night just outside his studio, to a silent personal reflection of one's own alienated presence amidst an urban setting, where an overwhelming network of functionality attempts to guide us so that we do not have to grope in the dark.
However, this ultimately shrouds a latent frailty and absurdity that flashes like a pleading morse code, yet goes unnoticed and almost forgotten. By screening his reaction to this phenomenon on his studio window Yoshida opens up a dialogue between the two objects, the lamp and its representation, drawing our attention to these frailties.
© Markus Hannebauer
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« Arte tv Creative » , France-Germany ( 2013)
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« Programm 2: selected productions of the Videoart at Midnight Edition»
within GOETHE INSTUTE ARTEMOVENDO Porto Alegre and São Paulo ( 2015 August - 07 )
« FID Marseille 23ème», Marseille, France ( 2012 ) *
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